BVD Group Brampton Half Marathon Countdown


In 2024, the BVD Group Brampton Half Marathon event weekend is unveiling a revitalized look and feel, promising an unparalleled runner experience. Offering a diverse range of races—including the Half Marathon, 10K, and 5K—there’s a race for every age and ability. Save the date: May 26, 2024, for a day of extraordinary achievement and excitement.


Discover the thrill of the Half Marathon – an epic journey that strikes the perfect balance between challenge and achievement. Lace up for an unforgettable race where determination meets exhilaration. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or taking your first stride, our Half Marathon promises a rewarding experience, scenic routes, and the satisfaction of conquering the distance. Set your pace, embrace the journey, and join us for a race that’s more than just miles – it’s a celebration of your resilience and commitment


Conquer the distance in our 10K race. Join us for a thrilling run, where every step brings you closer to victory. Lace up and make your mark on the road to achievement

5K (Competitive & Non Competitive)

Embrace the challenge of our 5K race – a short but exhilarating journey that packs a punch of excitement. Lace up, hit the course, and experience the joy of crossing the finish line.